Proud to be a Teacher!!!
This is exactly what I was looking for. TOI is doing great work - Perfect utilization of the scale. TOI should be complimented for the two significant drives: Lead India and Teach India. The first produced awareness and brought to limelight some people doing exceptional work. The second is the need of the hour for India.
It was hearting to note that 10,000+ educated corporate associates, doctors, lawyers, and most significantly, college students have volunteered for the program. The fact that these people have committed for 2 hours of Sunday to the noble cause over spending the leisure time sitting in lounge / shopping in mall / watching a movie speaks of the sensitivity towards the problem of illiteracy among the Indians.
The program is currently launched in 4 metro cities of India. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that soon the waves of the program would reach to Tier-2 cities and ultimately to most disadvantaged rural areas. My father, an avid social work, has been doing the same activity for last 10 years in my town. An educator by profession, he renders free-after school tutoring to poor schools kids. I have often mooted upon spreading his initiative on a larger scale. My efforts to popularize the program with help of top businessmen in my town and senior social workers of the town have to opening up of three news chapters in the surrounding areas. Yet scope of the contributions has always been limited. TOI comes in and launches a similar program on a National scale.
I am eager to commence work and play my small part in educating few kids. It is so gratifying when some of my father's old students who have managed to get decent jobs come home and thank whole-heartedly to my father. My dad is a proud teacher. I too have started on his journey.
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