Sunday, June 28, 2009

ISB Updates - Term 1

Terrible. That’s the word. That’s simply the perfect word that truly resonates with my bloging, about my performance in terms of my ISB life updated. It’s not the case that I didn’t want to write. I am tempted to think that I couldn’t write because of time crunch although I am not totally convinced. One thing ISB has clearly taught me is that there is always time for what you want to do. The bigger challenge is to identify the same, and devote your time to “important” and not “urgent” things. I think I have failed to do so, atleast as far as bloging is concerned.

There is so much to write and say about my life at ISB. I see my last post around a month back and world has literally turned around in these 30 days. As I believe that fun of writing is to cover it while fresh and virgin, I wouldn’t be able to delve much in past.

Some quick updates:

Term 1 ended: I was a proud 12.5% MBA as Term1 ended with a bang. Term 1 was pretty relaxed (Relatively) and we touched upon the Micro Economics, Finance, Marketing, and Statistical subjects. Each subject at that time seemed to be independent of each other but with wider subjects such as Competitive Strategy picking up in this term, it is beginning to make sense.

Term Break: Hell broke loose at campus as soon as Term 1 got over. Parties, Music, booze, food, and energy flew across the campus. There were back to back night long parties, numerous club events, etc. A perfect time to catch up on sleep, to just hang around, and have a good time!!

So much other things have passed by. GSB core team was formed and all Club core teams have been formed. I have picked up a position in General Management Club to handle Alumni Affairs. More importantly, I am going to join Dance classes by “Shiamak Davars Dance Academy”. Really excited about it!! I am getting good at Squash, and also hope to learn something about Spanish and French culture from International Club at ISB. Over past 1 month, our section has put in a lot of effort to stick together and we have had some wonderful parties at Class of ’08 lounge, Pot lock parties etc. The informal small group of HKP@ISB that composes of 12-15 most notorious people around the campus is getting tightly bonded and with the pace we are going, there will be a hell lot to write about the same in future.

That’s all for now!! I know time is going conspire against me to take me away from my bloging. But I am determined to conquer the devil this time. I have used technology as a tool, my calendar to remind me of bloging twice a week. I am definite to make this change this time and live these wonderful moments at ISB forever via my posts.

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