Sunday, June 24, 2007

95% Pure Oxygen and $6.40 !!!!

How many of us breathe Oxygen ?
All, unless you are one of Hollywood movie type Tree Man !!!!

How many of us breathe 95% pure oxygen with eucalyptus flavor ?
Only one whom I know -- Your very own Vinit Garg !!!

This piece comes right after visiting a fabulous place in SouthDale Mall, Edina. Just freaking out to do something new, in an experimental mode as usual, I happen to visit Ocean Wave Massage and O2 boutique. Warm and cheerful greetings by the young lady at the counter and I was all her's ....errrrrr I mean a customer for the boutique !!! Checking various options for massage and O2 available, I realized the cost was little high to experiment a massage right away. Earned value analysis ( attending some Project Manager training these days :P ) of the situation prompted me to go for an foot massage. However, the time constraint of 10 min left for boutique to close and busy massager lady left me with just O2 as an option. For the lesser mortals, O2 meant I would lie on a super hunky dunky chair for a virtual massage and would be inhaling 95% eucalyptus flavored ( Y eucalyptus ??? Coz the young Lady liked it ;) ) oxygen for 10 min ,costing 6$ ..ummm with tax 6.40$ !!! Not a big amount for the experience. The experience was fantabulous. Those 10 minutes passed much faster than few seconds used to, when I used to board a DTC bus from PNB, Bikaji ( New Delhi) to Noida in 2004 :)) !!

The whole experience took my thoughts about 15 years back. I used to accompany my father, along with our little doggy, as a kid for morning walk among the woods, yes among eucalyptus trees !!!! Though my participation was not voluntary during those days, yet I remember the distinctive fresh smell of wind blowing through wet eucalyptus wood. Sometime little Jacky, our doggy, would just start running and jumping ,and my father would co-relate the dogs actions to its enjoyment of the morning walk, a correlation I often used to refute. My father would preach that a morning walk gives fresh air to breathe and I would rather dream about being back into bed or about playing cricket. The sheer bliss and freshness I felt today make me realize what I missed then and what I miss now. During those days, I lacked to prospective and now my father’s command to get my up in the morning !!!!! Ahem Peace !!! Hmmmmm, I think spending $6.40 for 10 minutes for enjoying fresh eucalyptus flavored 95% pure Oxygen provides a solution for the both worlds, mine and my father's for me, to co-exist :P !!!!

1 comment:

RollerCoaster said...

wow man... nice thing... flavored O2. who would have thought of that!

and comparitively in new delhi and in DTC .. u get 95% pure CO2 Gutter Flavoured. :))

i know.. i spent months commuting in those beasts in 2002 during a training.